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How recycling provides livelihood to families in Pakistan

The country generates 20 million tons of solid waste every year. While the country lacks a well-defined waste management system, local families have found a way to make a living out of recycling. Every morning trucks dump massive amounts of waste in the outskirts of the city. The residents of the area, living under impoverished conditions, gather around to sort the trash.

It’s a family affair. Mom, dad and the kids all contribute to the task of sifting through the piles in search of metallic objects, plastic containers etc. which are then sold to run the house.

Although a source of income, the task is not without its hazards. With improper waste management leading to the loss of 5 million lives annually, these families are in the home ground of diseases. Lacking money to afford shoes, children can be seen running around bare feet on trash. It’s their play area, it’s their livelihood.

While the entrepreneurial spirit and the quest for making a living are commendable, should making a living involve risking your life to hazardous diseases?

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